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Resident Care

Sagora South San Angelo is committed to providing a healthy environment and lifestyle for our residents. In this Wellness section, you will discover tips and ideas to get healthy, stay healthy and live your life to the fullest.

Our Wellness Articles

Music and Memories
Music is very important in my life. Have you ever been driving down the road and hear a song you haven’t heard in years? Funny how we can remember certain things like all the words, where we were when we…
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Nutrition and Dementia
I remember going to the old neighborhood to visit mom. It was the home that I grew up in until I left for college. It was her first and only home with dad. She’d lived there for more than 65…
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Just A Little Bit Better
“There are some people in life that make you laugh a little louder, smile a little bigger and live just a little bit better.” -Unknown It is February, and in this month we tend to think a little more about…
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Live for the Moment, Live for Joy
Our milestones are our benchmarks for those once in a lifetime “firsts:” Our first job, car, kiss, rollercoaster ride, motorcycle, tattoo, graduation, home, children, grandkids – the list goes on and on.  Do you remember how you felt? Although our…
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The Gift of Music
How is it that there are times when we can’t find our keys, or we search endlessly for parking lots for our cars, but when that favorite song plays, we remember our first kiss? Or we smile fondly, thinking back…
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Dementia with Dignity
When the stages of dementia progress, it can be difficult to “see” our loved ones the way we remember them; their smile, their laughter, and their familiar ways. They may not speak the same way, react the same way, or…
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The Gift of Forgiveness
Have you ever met someone who’s easy going and at peace no matter what comes their way in life? When a person is centered and at peace, it seems they can handle anything, right? The tranquility of their inner spirit…
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Brain Awareness Month
How many times do we ask ourselves, “Where did I leave my keys?” Better yet, how many times have we finished a day of shopping only to search for our car in a parking lot? When we’re young, it may…
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American Stroke Month
We work our entire lives dreaming of retirement; grandchildren, travel, volunteering, pursuing the hobbies we love.  We know all too well as we age, in order to make these dreams come true, we need to take care of our health. …
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Sagora Senior Games
Many of us joined competitive sports teams when we were young. Some even played professionally. That love and passion for sports stay with us throughout life.  Now, whether it’s the solitude of the driving range or the fun of gathering…
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