As an update to our protocol regarding essential family caregiver visits, Governor Abbott has released a new order that allows visitations to still occur if our community has a positive case of COVID-19. In the event of a positive case, we will perform contact tracing and any residents who are confirmed or presumed positive for COVID-19 will not be allowed to receive visitation until they are deemed COVID-19 free through testing or by the local Department of Health. Visitations will be permitted for all residents who are not presumed positive through contact tracing.
Communities may temporarily suspend or reschedule essential caregiver visits if multiple positive cases occur in the community to mitigate the spread of the virus. Communities may also decide where the essential caregiver visits may take place (in a resident’s apartment, outside space, alternative interior space, etc.). The community may change the designated visitation area to address COVID-19 risk, privacy and associate resources.
If you have any questions, please contact us directly at the community.