We are so thankful for the men and women who have served our country and defended our freedom!
In the leadup to Veterans Day, we asked veterans across Sagora communities to share their experiences with us, including the lessons they learned and their favorite memories from their time in the US Armed Forces. We’re so thankful for those who shared their experiences with us and we’re thrilled to share their stories:
Terry R. served in the Air Force during the mid-1960s. As part of his duties, he was stationed in Japan, where he enjoyed new types of cuisine. “The Air Force taught me that when you start a job, you need to finish it,” he said.
Dick W. served in the Air Force from 1960-1963. His duties took him to Cuba, where he was tasked with protecting US citizens in the wake of the Cuban Revolution. “It gave me the chance to see what I’m made of and learn to work as a team,” he says. “I am glad I served my country.”
Elmer F. served in the Army and the National Guard in the late 1960s and early 1970s. His favorite part about serving was seeing sights that many people do not get to see. “I would love to be able to go back to Italy and take my wife to see the places I saw during those times,” he says.