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Understanding Memory Care: Self-Care for Caregivers



In addition to Independent Living and Assisted Living, Sagora Senior Living is proud to offer Memory Care living options for our residents. As we understand that Memory Care can be a sensitive subject and perhaps confusing and overwhelming for family members, we have launched a blog series devoted entirely to Memory Care. Our hope is that we provide educational resources, answers to frequently asked questions and support as you navigate your loved one’s Alzheimer’s or dementia diagnosis.

For this week’s feature, we’d like to turn the focus to caregivers – those who are providing care for someone with an Alzheimer’s or dementia diagnosis. Often times, caregivers may feel that their needs and wants are moved to the backburner. Today we’d like to focus on the importance of self-care and practical ways to implement it.

First and foremost, caregivers need to understand that practicing self-care is not a selfish act. It is one of the best ways that you can ultimately care for those around you to ensure that you are rested, recharged and feel prepared to provide love and care to others. After all, one cannot pour from a cup that is not full.

To start practicing self-care today, we recommend the below tips.

  • Find ways to practice stress management. There are numerous ways to achieve this – whether it’s meditating, taking a long walk or exercise class, it’s all about discovering your favorite ways to decompress and understand that stress happens to all of us.
  • Talk about how you feel. It’s important to have people who you can discuss your feelings and thoughts with. It’s therapeutic to release and discuss things on your mind. Those around you can offer a second opinion, guidance or just provide an understanding, listening ear.
  • Asking for help. Asking for help when you need it is not a sign of weakness. Caregiving isn’t a journey that is meant to go alone. Don’t be afraid to lean on family members, friends or a medical team for assistance. More often than not, people are more than happy to help and may never know that you need it if you do not ask.
  • Prioritize your physical wellness. By maintaining a healthy diet, proper hydration, sleep habits and moderate exercise, you will set yourself up for success in the best way possible and will ensure that your needs are being met.
  • Take a break. It can be as small as 30 minutes a day or even a trip away – whatever you need to return to caregiving feeling refreshed. You can lean on others to provide care and support to help give you time away.


At Sagora Senior Living, our Memory Care experts are here for you every step of the way. From navigating a diagnosis, to discussing care to providing emotional support, we are ready to provide answers to your questions. You can find more information on our communities and contact us here.

Do you have questions? We have answers.

At Sagora Senior Living our goal is to be accessible to our residents and their families, our future associates, and our customers. To that end, we look forward to hearing from you.
(817) 446-4792