At Sagora Senior Living we are constantly creating new experiences to engage our residents and find exciting ways to showcase our amazing communities and how we truly embrace each moment we create together! We celebrate and honor our seniors every day, but during the third week of March we especially celebrate the well-being of senior citizens as this week is nationally recognized as Wellderly Week!
Wellderly Week encourages community members to come together and help the elderly live their life to the fullest. During this week, seniors are encouraged to take up hobbies or pursue a passion. The week aims to offer complete well-being to the elderly — physical, mental, emotional, and financial. Wellderly Week gives a new meaning to “acting your age” and encourages seniors to pursue a passion, take up a new hobby, be active, and do what makes them happy. It is a reminder that retirement years are an opportunity to develop interests and that pursuing a hobby is important for emotional and mental well-being.
Wellderly Week reminds us that age is a just number and age does not have to limit fun, growth, and vitality. Sagora senior living communities host events that involve social and physical activity to optimize the well-being of our seniors. Caring for the well-being of seniors does more than only benefit seniors, it also creates a society where people are sensitive to the needs of others. Experts agree that making provisions for physical well-being and financial independence also benefits seniors. Physical exercise increases mobility, improves flexibility, promotes heart health, and most importantly, helps build friendships. Seniors are an amazing group of individuals, and we have much to learn from them. Through active senior lifestyles, better nutrition, and the pursuit of passion, life post-retirement can be equally fulfilling too!
What does it mean to be “wellderly”? Researchers are in the process of studying men and women who are at least 85 years of age who have lived long lives devoid of chronic disease. These extraordinary people have a longer health span and are referred to as the “wellderly.” As we age, below are some goals to optimize the aging process and build the foundation for “wellderliness.”
- Focus on achieving a long health span
The goal is not to live long, it’s to focus on living the longest and most joyful health span possible. Health span years are ones characterized by independent, vibrant, joyful, satisfying, and vital living, either devoid of impairment or with minimal impairment as a result of disease or disability. The key is to live life to the fullest as you define it.
- Practice a healthy lifestyle
Mental, spiritual, and physical fitness are of paramount importance if you’re going to live long and well. Wherever you are on your journey, from beginner to master, the key is to keep up your daily practice of nourishing mind and body, continuously creating new challenges and seeking new adventures. That’s the essence of thriving, not just surviving.
- Be realistic
No one, not even the super Wellderly, escapes aches and pains, creaky joints, fading vision, and diminished energy. But if you’re taking optimal care of yourself, you’ll more likely experience less of this age-related mind-body impact. Embrace the realistic, rewarding process of aging and do what you can to support an optimal aging process for yourself.
- Practice Gratitude
Express gratitude every time you wake up. Embrace the fact that you are here to thrive and continue this awesome adventure of life.
For our purposes at Sagora Senior Living, the word wellderly refers to those seniors who are able to participate in the activities that bring them joy, give them purpose, and keep them active. In our senior communities, we tailor our activities, events and outings to the specific wants and needs of our residents, often discovering new favorite activities from the suggestions of residents.
To learn more about the Sagora experience, tour your local community today! We are proud to play a vital role in helping seniors live longer and the best life possible. With 62 communities in 12 different states, Sagora Senior Living offers seniors the chance to live in active, social communities where they can thrive on a daily basis.
To find out more, tour your local Sagora Senior Living community!